Tuesday, January 29, 2008

From Colombo to Edmonton

Hi everyone,

I'm back in the land of the living. After Geoff posted it only took me a couple of days to kill off the stomach bug, get back into life in Vancouver and start thinking about the "real world" again. The first week back was great, although cool, the sun was shining everyday which allowed for great walks on the seawall, a hike in a mountain park near Vancouver, and lots of reconnection time with Geoff and the city.

I decided to fly to my hometown of Edmonton to visit friends and family. I was warned against the Canadian prairies in January, but I grew up in that area so how bad could it be? The first couple of days were fine, cold but the snow made it feel like Christmas. On the third morning I noticed that the mercury was dropping and not going up during the day...by Monday the temperature was in the -30s with -40 windchills. A few plans that had been made were cancelled and I opted to stay with my sister and new nephew for much of the remainder of my trip.

I'm flying back to Vancouver on Wednesday which will be a balmy 4 degrees. Sorry for those of you who I didn't see this time around. Coming from a 32 degree Colombo to a -38 Edmonton was just too much for my body to take...thank god for central heating!!!

I'll be attaching some pictures and a weatherboard (for the Australias who don't believe it can get so cold) once I get back to Vancouver. Love T


A Lewis said...

Man, you're hitting all of the hotspots, aren't you? And I can't think of a better place to spend January than in Edmonton. We're actually coming north to Seattle and then Vancouver for our little mid-February break. Glad you're getting more settled and back in touch with you know who. Enjoy the re-acquaintence.

Anonymous said...

My first trip to you guys blog! What beauty you two have seen and shared! I'm enjoying your blog a lot. That looks cold, we never see that in Florida that's for sure.