Sunday, January 13, 2008

Terry Home Tomorrow!!!

Hi all

As I write Terry is in flight heading east... Bangkok - Hong Kong - Vancouver and is due home tomorrow at 11:00am ...yeah!

Of course the apartment is clean (because I am naturally so neat and tidy anyway) but just in case, the place has had some extra special cleaning in the last few days...thank you to any one who offered their services in this regard (which I politely declined) and to those who suggested that I hire a maid (or major disaster clean up team...which I not so politely declined).

The next few days will probably be a little strange for both of us as we adjust to a shared space and routines again...but it will just be so nice to be back together again.



A Lewis said...

CONGRATS! Welcome home! Take time, good time, to be nice and reacquaint yourselves with one another. Nothing else matters. Make sure to have a cup of hot tea together. In silence.

Superchilled said...

You made it!! Welcome back to eachother! Enjoy. And don't forget to keep us up to date here.