Saturday, August 04, 2007

Terry in Town...

Hi All

As you would know from previous postings Terry is now back in town for a two week break...time to catch up, celebrate his 40th birthday and just generally hang out, and just spend time with each other.

I can honestly say that after 9 months it has been a little strange being back in each others space and finding our rhythms as a couple again, especially knowing that it is such a short break together this time around...

So after a few days in Vancouver of getting over jetlag we headed up the coast to a place called Saltery Bay to go camping, sit by the fire, lay around naked in the sun and swim, swim, swim...Nature has that wonderful quality of letting a lot of your 'stuff' slide to allow time just to be with each other and reconnect.

Tomorrow is Terry's 40th birthday. It also happens to be two gay friends wedding and gay Pride all in one day....and all of that is before 5pm!

I will post again tomorrow with a few photos of the day for you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more nude pics please!