Sunday, April 01, 2007

War...What is it Good For?

Sri Lanka is paradise with a problem...war in the north and east!

I'm living in a country filled with death, bombs, fear, anger, propoganda, frustration, loss, warmth, forgiveness, and hope. I've been asked by many of you to write on the "reality" of WHERE I am and WHY I'm here. These are some of my perspectives:

While we live in relative comfort in Colombo, other parts of this beautiful country are paying the price for a 30+ year conflict; fisherman who aren't allowed to fish (because of security and curfews), farmers who can't farm (because of landmines, unsecured land, etc), and people with small businesses who can't work (because they keep getting displaced, and then return to stolen and bombed-out equipment). Families are scared to send their kids to school...because children disappear and end-up as soldiers. While some people are making decent wages in this country, some are getting by on less than 2000 rupees/month ($20)...that's WHERE I am.

When I'm in Canada I often hear that we are "lucky" and that we should be thankful for living in such a peaceful place. My response is yes, we are lucky, but I also do not want to see us take what we have for granted. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the reality taking place in many parts of the world, but at the same time it is important to engage in, and understand that reality, and use the knowledge gained to actively participate in upholding the rights and privileges that we are being afforded in Canada. I am speaking as much about myself as about anyone when I say that we need to become more aware, and overcome the development of complacency; We are sometimes more concerned with the details of "what can make MY life better", than the big picture of "what can make our society a better and more human/e place to live"...that's WHY I'm here.

That's my rant for the day. I've added some newsreels on the side... T

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Trevor sent me a link to your blog a while back but I haven't had a chance to look at it until now...(in fact i still dont have time to look at it...i'm just procrastinating! but it made for an interesting diversion!

Anyway this post is interesting...I'm curious what you are doing in Sri Lanka and how you ended up there? Some cool shots on your blog too.