Monday, December 11, 2006

Pools of Colombo

What does one do when one lives in a tropical location?..swim of course. I wouldn't trust the waters around Colombo as they can get quite rough and they're not particularly clean. When I don't have the chance to go to the southern beaches I make it a personal mission to find the best pools in the city. I've joined the Royal College Pool as a member, which means I can do some serious swimming anytime for the amazing cost of $35.00 for the year (unlimited). What it offers in term of a place to exercise, it lacks in ambience...I've discovered some places to pass the time on weekends...the pool at the Trans Asia Hotel and the Galle Face Hotel. I prefer the former, but the Galle Face has a British colonial charm which puts it ahead. I know this blog is lacking in adventure, but I thought this would be a good one to throw at all of you who are "enjoying" winter!!! T.

1 comment:

Superchilled said...

Love the pool shots! That's the kind of photos I'd be taking when exploring new locales! Keep 'em coming!!